Flying Training (Part A)
A.1.0 Flying Training Concepts and Syllabus Structure
The Chief Flying Instructor and Director of Professional Pilot Training (PPT) is Mr Robert Loretan he has a military background as a an Officer and Flying Instructor of the Royal Australian Air Force and extensive civil experience teaching ab-initio airline Cadets who use English as a second language. A summary of Mr Loretan’s Aviation experiences is included as attachment A.1
A.2.0 Training Concepts
PPT’s objective is to train and educate a finished airline pilot who is confident because they have excellent manipulative skills and an in-depth academic understanding of theory topics. Theory and practical flying are integrated with leadership and personal development using proven techniques that educate the pilot with leadership and crew-man-ship, while at the same accurate manipulative skills are imprinted as the first priority.
A.2.1 All of the flying instructors at PPT have been trained by Mr Loretan so the standardisation among instructors is excellent. The flying instructors also teach the theory so that the skills and knowledge are integrated into the same concepts.
A.2.2 PPT uses a Competency Based Training (CBT) system that employs very precise standards and skills assessment guides based on modern aviation psychology concepts of skill measurement.
A.2.3 A copy of one of the eight CBT matrixes is included along with the skills evaluation code and the quality control instructions that are published in each student’s records.
A.2.4 The Student Records are maintained with an open, transparent and accountable process. After each flight the student is assessed and signs the assessment to verify that they have seen the report and understood the assessments.
A.2.5 To provide a comparison between airline cadets in the same company the flights can also be scored in the student records.
A.2.6 The student records are available to the sponsoring airline which usually conducts surveillance over the progress of the students and provides feedback to PPT about the airline’s needs.
A.2.7 PPT operates a full cockpit Hawker Pilot Trainer (HPT). The HPT is a full cockpit synthetic trainer that is used for procedural activities and instrument flying training. This trainer is also used to help integrate theory and practical skills. A photograph of the HPT is included.
A.2.8 The cadets are permitted an unlimited amount of solo practice. The suggested 30 hours is for dual training only. Students who actively use the synthetic trainer for solo practice achieve much higher standards than those who do not.
A.2.9 When a Cadet’s progress is slower than anticipated, PPT conducts an internal Training Review to investigate the probable causes, including inadequacies on the part of PPT or the student. After the review an individual training strategy is published and used by the staff as a guide for correcting the problem. The training review would be made available to Airline’s surveillance or as requested.
A.2.10 The syllabus and the total hours, or mix of aircraft and trainer hours can be changed for your airline by mutual agreement.
A.2.11 PPT developed a “Flying Classroom” this training aid projects images of a visual flight simulator around the class room. From an internet connection real time real actual weather and air traffic are integrated into the display. This device is then used to “fly the lessons” and replace overhead projectors and white boards with a modern state of the art electronic instructional aid. Everything including visual flight manoeuvres, landings, ATC procedures, navigation, instrument approaches and circling approaches can be taught in a realistic “flying classroom” environment. This level of realism in the classroom has a powerful effect on the pilots understanding of three dimensional movement and situation awareness. The “flying classroom is a PPT invention”,
A.2.12 Coffs Harbour Airport has two runways, one is 2000 metres the other is a shorter cross strip at 850 metres. A Class D airspace Control Tower operates at the airport. The main runway has a PAPI and runway lights. The airfield is serviced by NDB, VOR and GPS NPA approaches. Above 4500 feet over Coffs Harbour is Class C Radar Airspace. Class E Airspace is used above 8500 feet and uncontrolled Class E or G fits up to all classes of controlled airspace.
Air traffic into Coffs Harbour is a mix of VFR light aircraft, IFR light aircraft and IFR jet so cadets are exposed to all classes of airspace and Air Traffic Control throughout their training.