PPT Education and Training
Airline Cadet – Pilot Education and Training
No human was born with the ability to fly an aircraft. Flying is a learned skill that is unnatural to a human’s basic characteristics and physiology. A person can learn to be an excellent pilot, or they can learn to be an unemployable pilot. The difference is in the training.
PPT considers that Airline Cadets must know more than how to fly a light aircraft, they must also be educated as a company employee, as an aircraft commander, as a pilot and as a citizen. PPT’s objective is to provide an excellent “finishing school” for Airline Cadets and future leaders.
Flying Training (Part A)
PPT’s training is based on Human Information Processing concepts drawn from aviation psychology sciences. PPT has restructured traditional instructional techniques to make it complement the student’s mental processes during ab-inito skill development. The result of this training is an excellent blend of manipulative skill and a pilot who has the surplus mental capacity to command the aircraft and lead a crew.
Personal Development –Command and Leadership Training (Part B)
Decisional skills are developed in parallel with manipulative skills through a program of personal development that integrates social behaviour, communication skills, and leadership qualities. These skills are nurtured in ground activities and later integrated with the airborne and simulator activities. The leadership training promotes confidence, which in turn builds manipulative and command skills. PPT develops the person to build the pilot and aircraft commander.
PPT maintains a disciplined attitude both at work and in social environments. Cadets must always act, dress and behave as an airline would expect a professional pilot to behave. They wear a neat clean uniform and always address the staff with formal titles and with respect.
Aviation Theory Education (Part C)
The academic subjects are woven into the leadership and flying lessons. Our flying instructors also teach the theory. The instructors use styles and terminologies that complement the airborne lessons so the theory is applied in the air, and the flying is applied in the theory lessons. This precise integration of manipulative skill and knowledge provides a rounded pilot who has a high situational awareness and one who can adapt to changes in airborne situations.
Living Environment (Part D)
PPT specialises in small full time classes for Airline Cadets. PPT provides a living environment that is safe and free from social distractions, we monitor student behaviour in the accommodation and in the community. The accommodation is located on the airfield and meals are provided to ensure that a suitable diet is consumed.
Administration (Part E)
PPT enters into a contract with each client. PPT can provide assistance with the recruiting of Cadets and with Australian Immigration Requirements. PPT has all of the facilities required by Australian law for training international students. PPT monitors the student’s health and provides a 24hr emergency response capacity. PPT provides internet email facilities for all students.
Aviation Theory Education (Part C) |
Administration (Part E) |